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Small Spring Updates for your Home

Even if the winter has us still in its grip, it still feels like it’s time to bring a little bit of spring into our homes.


When looking for matching home decor, I concentrated on light, warm brown tones and a view sprinkles of fresh blue. So the objects still go with your winter decor, while slowly announcing the arrival of spring. I made sure all products are either made out of organic materials or natural renewable materials and produced as eco-friendly as possible.

1/ This Jute Basket is perfect to keep an eye on your veggies and fruits, so you get your daily dose of vitamin C.

2/ Soy Wax Candles always make us feel more comfy, especially, when they smell wonderful and look this beautiful.

3/ With this Seegrass Basket you can give your favourite plant a make over without the need to repotting it.

4/ This handprinted Linen Cushion is soft and endurable. While adding some color to your home, it makes you feel even more comfy on your couch.

5/ As long as spring with its warm sun rays still let’s us wait, we can cuddle up in this soft natural colored Cotton Blanket.



For this collage we used photos from A Slice Of Green, Munio Candela, Studio TR, EmAhls and NatureHome. Frontpicture: Annie Spratt on Unsplash.

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