Social Responsibility

With your help I want to make a change. 3% of the selling price from every product will be donated to the non-profit organization Siebenkatzen-Leben e.V.. They rescue cats in Spain from killing stations and convey them to Germany.



Why cats from Spain?


Sadly pets don’t have the same status in every country, not in the mind of people or before the law. In Germany for example a consistent law for animal protection applies in the whole country to make sure pets and animals are protected. This isn’t the case in Spain. The animal protection laws are only applied locally and they consist of vague formulations and low penalty for torturing or killing animals.


This affects the relationship of the inhabitants to their pets. In Spain kitten and puppies can be bought everywhere. The future owner is not checked, also the age doesn’t come into count when buying pets. If you „don’t need“ your pets anymore, you simply abandon them, kill them or give them to a 'Perrera'.




Perreras = Spanish killing stations


This animal shelters don’t have much in common with regular animal shelters from other countries. Animals are kept there under bad conditions with little food, bad medical care and in a cramped space. If the pets are not picked up or conveyed after 21 days, they get killed.




Why conveying pets to Germany?


Sadly grown-up pets are difficult to place in Spain. Spaniards buy small kitten or puppies. To allow the pets to live a better life, animal welfarist don’t have another chance than conveying them to another country or in the case of Siebenkatzen-Leben e.V. to Germany. 



Why the organization Siebenkatzen-Leben e.V.?


I get to know the organization when we adopted Yuki and Sumi in spring 2018 and became familiar with them during many calls and during the preparation of the adoption. I was so impressed by the club members and the hard work they do in their free time (!). They play an important role in changing the life of pets for the better. That’s so impressing and it needs to be supported. 



You can find out more about the organization and their work by visiting
