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My Book Recommendation for the New Year

Our new year resolutions

As the new year approaches most of us think about our New Year's resolutions and what we want to accomplish this year. We still keep track of our goals in the first couple of days of the New Year, but when life gets busy, we often loose sight of our intentions. 


It's better to work on yourself all year round

Anyway I personally like the New Year’s energy and the fresh start it brings to all of us. It is great to use it to create new habits. But I am also a big fan of working on yourself all year long. Right now is the perfect time to set an intention and implement it, even if this is the hardest part. People say that it takes you at least 20 days to establish a new habit and turn it into a routine.


My book recommondation

There are many reasons for loosing sight of our goals. To work on that, I have a great book recommendation for you: my last year’s favorite book Mastin Kipp’s ‚Claim your Power‘. (Even if I am still working my way through it. :) )


Not your typical self development book

It sounds like the typical self development book, but it goes way deeper than that. Mastin Kipp takes us on a journey to the places in our life, we feel most unhappy about, and to the patterns and believes that hold us back. Deep down, we often know what it is, that holds us back, but to really work on our patterns, we have to bring them to the surface.





Find the courage for changes

But this book is not only about what is not working, it is also about finding courage in ourselves, our purposes in life and claiming our power. Even if this is often hard to hear, we are responsible for our own happiness. This also means that we already have everything in us to live the life of our dreams.


I can definitely recommand it

It is a great book to read in a book club. Some of the questions and tasks invite us to discuss them in a group and exchange different point of views. 

In ‚Claim your Power“ spirituality plays an important part, so it may be harder to read when you are not a spiritual person. But I would still recommend it. After reading this book, I feel more centered and on the right paths than before.

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